Corporate Mastermind

 what is this and why is it important to organizational growth? 


Historically, masterminds were designed and reserved for entrepreneurs to gather together and discuss business ideas and theories.  As masterminds became more and more popular, the folks who participated in them developed into more than just entrepreneurs.  As of today, there are thousands of masterminds all over the world... you can literally find a mastermind for everything.  I have personally participated in a few myself and can talk to the personal growth that a mastermind can provide. 

In 2020, while the entire world was on lockdown, the thought hit me... why don't we do this in the corporate environment?  I mean, all of us have the goal of growth and development, but employees rarely have an open forum to do this.  Training programs and happy hours only take us so far and honesty, it's simply not enough. 

If you are interested in growing your employees and your organization - a mastermind is the way to go.         


a Podcast by


Financial Coach / Speaker/ Mentor

Being financially free isn’t just about making money. You also have to manage it well. The Strive podcast dives deep into saving, investing, and building lasting wealth.

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What can you expect?

Opportunity Seat

Each session will provide a few moments for every leader on the call to pour into one team member.  

Bi-weekly Zoom Calls

Consistent meeting times (60 or 90 minutes) where we dive deep as a group with a focus on growth.

Leadership Book

The foundation of each session will be based on a Leadership book - provided to all participants.

Actionable Steps

Each call will provide actions and steps for participants to take that focus on organizational growth.

Being part of the corporate mastermind has been a game changer for us.  We are able to connect in a safe environment where titles are thrown out and we all have the same goal - improving ourselves and our company.


Current Participant


Current corporate mastermind topics

  • Everyone Communicates Few Connect
  • The Five Dysfunctions of a Team
  • Leadershift
  • Developing the Leader within you
  • Change Your World
We will personalize a topic specific to your organizational needs