a Podcast by


Financial Coach / Speaker/ Mentor

Being financially free isn’t just about making money. You also have to manage it well. The Strive podcast dives deep into saving, investing, and building lasting wealth.

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The People Business

It doesn't matter what 'industry' you are in... we are all in the People Business.  Unfortunately we fail to realize this far too often and the result, well, we lose good people.  

Get back into the people business before it's too late.  

Flip the Pyramid

We all remember the 'pyramid schemes' from the 90's and early 2000's... and unfortunately they are still thriving in the corporate environment.  

It's time to get rid of this culture killer and flip the pyramids.   

Responding vs. Reacting

We are presented with hundreds of events every single day in our personal and professional lives.  The good news, we get to decide... respond or react?

Each has a different impact on our lives... which one do you practice?

Resource for Humans

You will struggle to build a culture of excellence when you view Humans as Resources... you are the Resource for your the Humans in your organization.

We focus on outdated practices that need to be trashed. 

If you want to learn extremely valuable content, walk away with legitimate measurable steps to take as a leader, and have a ton of fun - then Jay is your guy!  2 years later and I still find myself practicing the items Jay taught us.     


Terry P