Corporate & Conference Training


Training is a great way to get material & best practices in front of your group... but sometimes it can fall a little short.  You employees are the the powerhouse behind what you do - which is why a focus on increasing their skills and knowledge  is so incredibly important for all leaders.  Internal programs are great, I've built and operated many... but sometimes, the information connects a little better when presented in a different way.  

If there ever was a specialty, this is mine... connecting in different ways.  As someone who has lead multiple L&D programs, I understand what it takes to make the information stick and how to deliver it in a way that participants walk out ready to implement the practices immediately. 

If you are looking for someone to come in and just go through the motions go checking a box... I'm not your guy.  But, if you want an environment for your team that is fun, engaging, and memorable plus results that are measurable and focused on driving overall revenue - you my friend are at the right spot.  


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Financial Coach / Speaker/ Mentor

Being financially free isn’t just about making money. You also have to manage it well. The Strive podcast dives deep into saving, investing, and building lasting wealth.

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Are you connecting or just simply communicating


There is so much focus on communicating within organizations... this is generally one of the largest areas of negative feedback that you or your HR team will receive.  We are the most connected we have ever been, yet people are the loneliest as well.  Communication is not enough - weekly emails, acknowledgements, town hall style meetings and happy hours are great... but people have a desire to be heard and felt.  This happens through connection.   

This session can be crafted to fit into a 45 minute window or a full day workshop.  The goals for our time together include:

  • Identify the 4 personality styles that exist in your organization and how to connect with each
  • Take it home, tools that you can also use in your personal life to better connect with those you love... and those you don't
  • How to retain your top talent through connecting
  • Be entertained through real examples and case studies


I will WIN - and so can you

Victory... even the word itself drums up inspiration and emotions that are sometimes hard to put into text.  Let's face it, we all want to win and we want winners on our team.  The unfortunate reality is that we can sometimes have this mentality of, "if there is a winner, then there must be a loser as well."  We must eliminate this thought and talk from our culture if we want to thrive as an organization.  Idea's like this promote individualism, silos, and create real issues around retention.  

This session can be crafted to fit into a 45 minute window or a full day workshop.  The goals for our time together include:

  • Ways to reframe and retrain your thoughts around winning
  • Your group will be challenged in this session to think back on times of 'failure' 
  • Responding vs. reacting - there is a huge difference
  • While this topic can be heavy at times, laughter will be abundant 

Is it time to trash The Golden Rule?

We all know this rule and chances are, we learned (and probably recited) it at a young age.  While in theory this sounds like a great idea... this is an outdated practice that has no place in a corporate environment (or personal environment either).  Do you think all of your employees, team members, friends or family members want you to treat them the way you treat yourself?  Absolutely not - they are individuals, not copy paste versions of you.

This session can be crafted to fit into a 45 minute window or a full day workshop.  The goals for our time together include: 

  • We will talk about ways in which you can identify how the other person wants to be treated
  • Steps you can take to apply this on the daily
  • Can this really generate more revenue? (hint: the answer is yes)
  • We will have a blast learning from each other and you will be amazed at the different types of people in your org

My face literally hurt from laughing so hard through Jay's training.  The best part about it was the overall impact it had on my life.  I expected it to relate to my work life, but it had a much larger impact on my home life.  Honestly, it saved my marriage.  This is far from normal - it is literally life changing.

